
Motorized and manual translation systems for fixed-stage microscopes

The MT-1000/MT-2000/MT-2200 systems consist of a microscope translator and three independent stands. Two MT-75 stands used for each manipulator and a similar stand, the MT-150 holds the tissue chamber. The classic design features freestanding columns that provide rock solid mounting for the tissue recording chamber and multiple micromanipulators. Many prefer this methodology as it maximizes working room for adjusting the microscope and changing pipettes.

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The MT-1000/MT-2000/MT-2200 translation systems consist of a microscope translator and three independent stands. Two MT-75 stands used for each manipulator and a similar stand, the MT-150 holds the tissue chamber. The classic design features freestanding columns that provide rock solid mounting for the tissue recording chamber and multiple micromanipulators. Many prefer this methodology as it maximizes working room for adjusting the microscope and changing pipettes. Furthermore, the independent stand design minimizes movement-related cross talk between manipulators.

The MT-1000 uses a manual translator. At the core of the MT-1000 translator systems is the MT-500 X-Y manual translation table. It is designed to allow movement of a microscope’s optics with respect to the fixed stage(s). This methodology was developed by electrophysiologists recording from tissue slice preparations. The translator allows visualization and/or imaging of multiple tissue locations while maintaining multiple stable recordings from the preparation. Such a system is also useful for experiments on cells in culture where one wishes to monitor several cells not in the same field of view, e.g., recording from pre and post synaptic neurons in culture and/or imaging one cell while recording from or stimulating another.

The MT-2000/MT-2200 systems use a motorized translator. At the core of the MT-2000/MT-2200 system is the MT-800 stepper-motor driven X-Y translation table. The motors can be operated either by the popular MP-285 manipulator controller (MT-2000) or the dual manipulator controller MPC-200 (MT-2200). A two-axis rotary optical encoder (ROE) accepts user input to the motorized translator and can be placed in any convenient location in your setup. Either controller gives the user smooth, high-resolution control of motion. The MP-285 controller offers extensive on-board robotic functionality and a serial computer interface for PC control. The MPC-200 controller offers a USB computer interface for PC control. Systems using the MP-285 controller are called MT-2000 while systems using the MPC-200 controller are designated MT-2200.

Our controller design has allowed Sutter to easily add a focus drive to the MT-2000/MT-2200. The Sutter focus drive employs a direct-coupled stepper motor for lock-step focus movement and adjustable end of travel sensors to limit the travel of the microscope objective to a safe range for the setup. In the focus drive version, MT-2000/FD and MT-2200/FD, the ROE input device has inputs for X, Y and Z focus.

MT-500 manual translators and MT-800 motorized translators are currently available for the Olympus BX-51WI, Nikon FN1, Zeiss Examiner, Zeiss Axioskop 2 FS and the Leica DM6000FS. Focus drives are available for the Olympus BX51WI. Other microscopes can be supported.


  • 22 mm travel in X & Y
  • 40 nm resolution displayed in submicrons (MP-285)
  • 62.5 nm resolution displayed in microns (MPC-200)
  • Highly stable for experiments intolerant of drift
  • Easy to read vacuum fluorescent display
  • Adjustable speed and resolution allows optimization for your experimental setup
  • Programmable robotics for complex motion sequences (MP-285)
  • Continuous display of axes positions
  • Convenient Home function allows microscope to be quickly reposition


Ordering Information


Complete Systems


Includes the MT-500 manual X-Y translator, MT-150 chamber column, two MT-75 micromanipulator columns (without linear slide)

Catalog Number Description
MT-1000/Y511 MT-1000 for the Olympus BX51WI
MT-1000/Y531 MT-1000 for the Olympus BX53/63
MT-1000/Y711 MT-1000 for the Olympus IX71
MT-1000/Z251 MT-1000 for the Zeiss Axioskop 2 FS
MT-1000/Z451 MT-1000 for the Zeiss Axio Examiner
MT-1000/N651 MT-1000 for the Nikon FN1
MT-1000/L301 MT-1000 for the Leica DMLFS
MT-1000/L351 MT-1000 for the Leica DM6000 FS


MT-2200 Systems

Includes the MT-800 motorized X-Y translator, MPC-200 controller and ROE, MT-150 chamber column, two MT-75 micromanipulator columns (without linear slide), cables, and manual

MT-2200/Y511 MT-2200 for the Olympus BX51WI
MT-2200/Y51/FD1,2 MT-2200 with focus drive for the Olympus BX51WI
MT-2200/Y531 MT-2200 for the Olympus BX53/63
MT-2200/Z251 MT-2200 for the Zeiss Axioskop 2 FS
MT-2200/Z451 MT-2200 for the Zeiss Axio Examiner
MT-2200/N651 MT-2200 for the Nikon FN1
MT-2200/L301 MT-2200 for the Leica DMLFS
MT-2200/L351 MT-2200 for the Leica DM6000 FS


MT-2000 Systems

Includes the MT-800 motorized X-Y translator, MP-285 controller and ROE, MT-150 chamber column, two MT-75 micromanipulator columns (without linear slide), cables, and manual

MT-2000/Y511 MT-2000 for the Olympus BX51WI
MT-2000/Y51/FD1,2 MT-2000 with focus drive for the Olympus BX51WI
MT-2000/Y531 MT-2000 for the Olympus BX53/63
MT-2000/Z251 MT-2000 for the Zeiss Axioskop 2 FS
MT-2000/Z451 MT-2000 for the Zeiss Axio Examiner
MT-2000/N651 MT-2000 for the Nikon FN1
MT-2000/L301 MT-2000 for the Leica DMLFS
MT-2000/L351 MT-2000 for the Leica DM6000 FS

1 Please specify chamber type when ordering
2 Please contact Sutter for availability of focus drive on other microscope makes & models



Manual X-Y Translator

Catalog Number Description
MT-500/Y50 Translator for Olympus BX50WI
MT-500/Y51 Translator for Olympus BX51WI
MT-500/Y53 Translator for Olympus BX53/63
MT-500/Y71 Translator for Olympus IX71
MT-500/N65 Translator for Nikon FN1
MT-500/L30 Translator for Leica DMLFS
MT-500/L35 Translator for Leica DM6000 FS
MT-500/Z20 Translator for Zeiss Axioskop FS
MT-500/Z25 Translator for Zeiss Axioskop 2 FS
MT-500/Z45 Translator for Zeiss Axio Examiner


Motorized X-Y Translator with MPC-200 Controller and ROE

MT-820/Y51 Translator for Olympus BX51WI
MT-820/Y51/FD Translator for Olympus BX51WI with focus drive
MT-820/Y53 Translator for Olympus BX53/63
MT-820/Z25 Translator for Zeiss Axioskop 2 FS
MT-820/Z45 Translator for Zeiss Axio Examiner
MT-820/N65 Translator for Nikon FN1
MT-820/L30 Translator for Leica DMLFS
MT-820/L35 Translator for Leica DM6000 FS


Motorized X-Y Translator with MP-285 Controller and ROE

MT-800/Y51 Translator for Olympus BX51WI
MT-800/Y51/FD Translator for Olympus BX51WI with focus drive
MT-800/Y53 Translator for Olympus BX53/63
MT-800/Z25 Translator for Zeiss Axiosko 2 FS
MT-800/Z45 Translator for Zeiss Axio Examiner
MT-800/N65 Translator for Nikon FN1
MT-800/L30 Translator for Leica DMLFS
MT-800/L35 Translator for Leica DM6000 FS


Chamber Columns

MT-150/W20 Chamber column for Warner Series 20 chamber (octagon)
MT-150/W20R Chamber column for Warner Series 20 chamber (round)
MT-150/ALA35 Chamber column for ALA 35mm chamber
MT-150/ALA-MS Chamber column for ALA MS
MT-150/CUST Chamber column for non-standard recording chamber
MT-150/PT Chamber column for petri dish or lid
MT-150/AUTO Chamber column for AutoMate round stage adapter


Manipulator Columns

MT-75 Standard gantry stand 8.7 to 13.4 in (22.1 to 33.9 cm)
MT-75S3 Short gantry stand 6.7 to 9.6 in (16.9 to 24.4 cm)
MT-75T Tall gantry stand 10.7 to 15.4 in (27.1 to 39.1 cm)
MT-75XT Extra tall gantry stand 14.71 to 18.50 in (37.4 to 47 cm)
MT-75/LS3 Standard gantry stand with linear slide
MT-75S/LS3 Short gantry stand with linear slide
MT-75T/LS Tall gantry stand with linear slide
MT-75XT/LS3 Extra tall gantry stand with linear slide

3 Useful for most upright scopes and the Axiovert 25 inverted scope with low stage plate

Technical Information

Comparison of Stages and Translators
Comparison of Column Inserts

Baseplate Dimensions
8 in x 15.25 in x 2.25 in | 200 mm x 375 mm x 55 mm

Maximum Travel
22 mm

Minimal Microstep Size
50 nm (MP-285 controller)
78-125 nm (MPC-200 controller

Minimal Display Resolution
50 nm (MP-285 controller)
1 micron (MPC-200 controller)

Maximum Load
110 lbs | 50 kg

35 lbs | 16 kg

Controller Weight
11 lbs | 4.5 kg

MT-2000 CE Certificate
MT-2078 CE Certificate

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