fNIR Optical Imaging
fNIR is a wearable near-infrared spectroscopy based system that enables the continuous, non-invasive, and safe monitoring of changes in blood oxygenation and blood volume related to human brain function. fNIR systems provide real-time monitoring of tissue oxygenation in the brain as subjects take tests, perform cognitive tasks, and/or receive stimulation. Wireless and wired solutions are available for adult and paediatric subjects.
Product Enquiry
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Product EnquiryBIOPAC Systems Inc offer a range of fNIR systems to cover a variety of user requirements ranging from basic educational devices, through wireless portable devices to high density systems capable of recording up to 54 channels of data which can be used for recording from the whole head or even multiple subjects simultaneously.
The various imager systems are available in a number of configurations to include differing levels of software and supplied with or without computers etc. Please use the information and links below to easily locate the most appropriate system level to meet your requirements on the BIOPAC website. Any enquiries made through biopac.com will be redirected back to BIOPAC Systems UK (Linton Instrumentation).
Download Product Spec Sheet for a full system comparison
fNIR High-Density Imaging Systems – Based on Model 2000S Imager
Part #: FNIR303S, FNIR203S, FNIR103S
Up to 54 channels. Can be used with up to three 18 channel sensors for either whole head coverage (through hair option available), 6 skeletal muscle sites or simultaneous recording from multiple subjects. Also compatible with smaller 5 or 6 channel sensors (up to 6 sensors simultaneously)
Imager 2000S Specs | |
Max Sources | 12 |
Max Detectors | 36 |
Max Sampling Frequency | 10Hz |
Synchronization ports | 3 TTL, 1 Serial, 1 Parallel |
Wireless | No |
Dimensions | 234mm x 89mm x 286mm |
System Options
fNIR Imaging Systems – Based on Model 2000C Imager
Part #: FNIR103C, FNIR203C, fNIR303C
Up to 18 channels. Single 18 channel forehead sensor or up to two smaller 5 or 6 channel sensors
Imager 2000C Specs | |
Max Sources | 4 |
Max Detectors | 12 |
Max Sampling Frequency | 5Hz |
Synchronization ports | 1 TTL |
Wireless | No |
Dimensions | 106 mm x 32 mm x 160 mm |
System Options
fNIR Mobile Imaging Systems – Based on Model 2000M Imager
Part #: fNIR103M, fNIR203M, fNIR303M
Up to 18 channels. Single 18 channel forehead sensor or up to two smaller 5 or 6 channel sensors
Imager 2000M Specs | |
Max Sources | 4 |
Max Detectors | 12 |
Max Sampling Frequency | 10Hz |
Synchronization ports | 1 TTL |
Wireless | Yes |
Dimensions | 96 mm x 32 mm x 85 mm |
System Options
fNIR Imaging Education System
Part #: fNIR103E
fNIR Imaging Systems are stand-alone functional brain imaging solutions for continuous NIR spectroscopy (NIRS). They provide an in-lab cognitive function assessment and eliminate a great many of the drawbacks of a functional MRI.
fNIR optical imaging technology measures neural activity and hemodynamic response in the prefrontal cortex and, when used with skeletal muscle can provide greater understanding of the underlying control mechanisms that couple oxygen delivery to oxidative metabolism. Subjects wear an fNIR sensor (IR light sources and detectors mounted in a flexible band) on the forehead that detects oxygen levels in the prefrontal cortex or on individual muscles and provides real-time values for oxy-hemoglobin and deoxygenated hemoglobin. It provides a continuous and real-time display of the oxygen changes as the subject performs different tasks.
Subjects can sit in front of a computer and take a test or perform mobile tasks. fNIR applications include Brain Computer Interface, Human Performance Assessment, Neurorehabilitation, Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring, and more.
fNIR Education Systems for continuous NIR spectroscopy (NIRS) include
- Imager 2000E control unit (6-optodes max)
- Sensor and Cable
- fNIR2000E includes one 6-channel sensor and one sensor cable
- fNIR Soft and COBl Software
- Software for data collection and analysis (the included software may change with a 30-day notice; if the included the software changes the existing licensees will receive the replacement software)
- Lessons (scheduled for release Q1 2020) to record NIRS measurements from the forehead and the forearm at two wavelengths, 730 nm and 850 nm
Imager 2000E Specs Max Sources 2 Max Detectors 6 Max Sampling Frequency 2Hz Synchronization ports No Wireless No Dimensions 106 mm x 32 mm x 106 mm
The fNIR data combines with other physiological variables such as ECG, respiration, cardiac output, blood pressure, electrodermal activity and stimulus response markers. AcqKnowledge software provides automated analysis tools for event-related potentials (ERP) and ensemble averaging. Combining the fNIR data with other physiological signals provides researchers with a detailed subject assessment.
fNIRSoft (fS) Software & COBI Studio
fS is a software package for use with the 2000E Imager for Education Systems. Use fS viewer and data management tools to process, analyze, and visualize functional near infrared (fNIR) spectroscopy signals. View data in real time and perform post-acquisition analysis.
COBI Studio “Cognitive Optical Brain Imaging” software is designed for performing serial experiments and makes it easy to start recording, and to save all experimental data (fNIR, synchronization markers from external presentation stimuli, etc.) in a standardized way.
fNIR Sensors – for 2000 Series Imagers
18-optode (2 near) full head forehead pad
- requires 2 sensor cables
- compatible with Imager 2000S/M or 1200
- to record 54 channels, use three (3) 18-optode sensors with required cables
6-optode (2 near) sensor pad
- requires 1 sensor cable (L)
- compatible with Imager 2000C/E/M/S
5-optode (1 near) sensor pad
- requires 1 sensor cable (L)
- compatible with Imager 2000C/E/M/S
fNIR Sensor Cables
Use this sensor cable to connect a NIRS prefrontal cortex sensor pad to an fNIR Imager 2000 unit LEFT or RIGHT input to provide real-time oxy-Hb, deoxy-Hb, and raw data values for each channel measurement area.
- Newer fNIR Systems include 1 Left and 1 Right cable; additional cables can be added for increased channels.
- fNIR 2000S Systems can support up to 54 channels—connect cables to one subject to record 54 channels from the subject, or connect to three concurrent subjects for 18 channels per subject.
Note: Older fNIR Systems included RXFNIR-SEN-CBL cables for Imager 1100 or Imager 1200.
fNIR Software
fNIRSOFT (fS) is a stand-alone software package designed to process, analyze and visualize functional near infrared (fNIR) spectroscopy signals through a graphical user interface and/or scripting (for automation).
fNIRSoft is available in two versions, fNIRSoft Standard Edition (Part #: fNIRSOFT-STD) and fNIRSoft Professional Edition (Part #: fNIRSOFT-PRO). The version supplied depends on the system purchased. Upgrades from Standard to Pro are available.
fNIR Software Standard Edition offers the following analysis functionality:
- fS Viewer: Temporal Visualization & Time Series Analysis Tools
- fS Viewer: Topograph Tool
- fS Data Management: Export Data Tool
- fS Data Management: Import Data Tool
- fS Scripting Engine: Built-in Command Line Interface
fNIRSoft Professional Edition analysis software includes all of the Standard Edition analysis tools plus extended analysis functionality including:
- Automated signal quality inspection for elimination of saturated and problematic channels through GUI
- Advanced signal processing algorithms for feature extraction
- Motion artifact removal algorithms
- Brain mapping and visualization over brain surface image
- Apply Temporal Processing actions (Averaging/Feature Extraction/Signal Conditioning) through GUI
- Apply Spatial Processing actions (Averaging/Feature Extraction/Signal Conditioning) through GUI
- Apply Cell-by-cell Processing actions (Averaging/Signal Conditioning) through GUI
- Apply common statistical comparison and correlation through GUI
- Apply advanced Modified Beer Lambert Law (MBLL) oxygenation calculation through GUI