BIOPAC MP200: the Fastest, Easiest Way to Better Data

The most trusted & flexible platform for life science research

BIOPAC Systems are used in thousands of research labs around the world. 99% of the world’s top universities run BIOPAC systems, and BIOPAC systems are cited in over 36,300 peer-reviewed journal articles & scholarly references.

The BIOPAC MP200 system is a flexible, proven modular data acquisition & analysis system for life science research. This 16-channel system includes AcqKnowledge software with specialized analysis capabilities. Applicable to over 40 research fields, new modules are available for electrogastrogram, micro-electrode recording, noninvasive blood pressure measurement & electrical bioimpedence (cardiac output), and others. To facilitate the discovery process and help ensure reproducible, publishable data, powerful automated analysis routines are available for ECG, HRV, EEG, EMG, EGG, and many more.

The MP200 offers multiple configurations to suit individual research and teaching needs and can record multiple channels with differing sample rates; record at speeds up to 100 kHz per channel, 1,600 KHz aggregate. MP200 systems are Ethernet-ready and compatible with BIOPAC system components as well as many leading equipment brands and supports a wide range of wireless & wired signal-specific  amplifiers. Used in conjunction with AcqKnowledge software and BIOPAC electrodes, amplifiers, transducers and other system components, the MP200 is part of a complete data acquisition & analysis system. Multiple MP200 systems easily interface with the same computer and a single copy of AcqKnowledge software when more than 16 channels of data is a necessity. The MP200 features fast, simple setup and is approved for human and animal research.

BIOPAC MP200 System
AcqKnowledge data graph

MP200 with AcqKnowledge 6 is the newest addition to the MP Research System line, and is functionally equivalent to the MP160 device it replaces. The MP200 and AcqKnowledge 6 combination provides a powerful tool for life science research and features enhancements including improved signal quality, an auto-sensing Ethernet port, lower power consumption, an eco-friendly design, and more. The MP200 unit ships with an AMI100D Amplifier Input module.

Explore the comprehensive BIOPAC website for more information and to enquire about the MP200.  To help find specific items use the general links below or open the accessories product page below for a more detailed list of shortcuts to relevant associated items.

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Electrodes and accessories
