fast X scanning
fast X scanning
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Imaging Software / Microscope Components
Resonant Scan Box
The Sutter Resonant Scan box (RESSCAN) is a general purpose resonant scan box using the industry standard Cambridge Technologies CRS 8 kHz resonant scanner for fast X scanning and a second Cambridge galvo scanner (6215 5 mm) for Y axis scanning.
Imaging Software / Microscope Components
Resonant Scan Box
The Sutter Resonant Scan box (RESSCAN) is a general purpose resonant scan box using the industry standard Cambridge Technologies CRS 8 kHz resonant scanner for fast X scanning and a second Cambridge galvo scanner (6215 5 mm) for Y axis scanning.
Imaging Software / Microscope Components
Resonant Scan Box
The Sutter Resonant Scan box (RESSCAN) is a general purpose resonant scan box using the industry standard Cambridge Technologies CRS 8 kHz resonant scanner for fast X scanning and a second Cambridge galvo scanner (6215 5 mm) for Y axis scanning.