BioHarness & TEAM
Accurate, Reliable Remote Monitoring and Telemetry Solutions
For physiology or other research fields where experiments require remote monitoring or telemetry, use a BioHarness or TEAM system.
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Product EnquiryBioHarness Telemetry & Logging Systems – Includes AcqKnowledge
Part #: BioHarness, BioHarness-5
BioHarness™ with AcqKnowledge® software is a state-of-the-art lightweight portable biological data logger and telemetry system. It monitors, analyzes and records a variety of physiological parameters including ECG, respiration, posture, and acceleration. BioHarness applications include physiology, psychology, psychophysiology, exercise physiology, ergonomics, human factors, and more.
BioHarness TEAM Systems – Does not include AcqKnowledge
TEAM System – 1 person
Part #: TEAMSystem – 1A
Ideal for exercise physiology, sports conditioning , human factors, public health, and psychological studies
TEAMSystem-1A is an RF telemetry physiology monitoring system for one person. The TEAM System can be expanded to simultaneously monitor multiple people in real time, anywhere in a stadium, field or other wide-area setting. Each subject wears a BioHarness system that telemeters heart rate, respiration rate, posture, activity, and acceleration back to a central TEAM central recording station. A single TEAM recording station can receive data from multiple subjects.
Complete TEAM System for 10, 30, or 50
Part #: TEAMSystem-10, TEAMSystem-30, TEAMSystem-50
Heart Rate, R-R Interval, breathing rate, Respiration, 3-Axis Accelerometry, Posture, Activity Level & More!
Simultaneously capture comprehensive physiological and biomechanical data from 10, 30, even 50 or more active subjects in real-word situations.
Zephyr™ TEAM Systems provide advanced physiological monitoring that incorporates class three BlueTooth Low Energy (BTLE) technology in a small form factor. Transmit via mobile and fixed data networks—with an unmatched 1,000 ft range!—for genuine remote monitoring of human performance and condition in the real world. OmniSense 4.0 software provides in-depth analysis of the data gathered by the BioModule.
- TEAMSYSTEM-50 includes 50 Echo Modules, Straps: 54 Lg/6 Sm , 3 Team Shirts (Med, Lg, Xlg), 50 Bay Multicharger Case, Wired bar code scanner, OmniSense 4.0
- TEAMSYSTEM-30 includes 30 Echo Modules, Straps: 30 Lg/5 Sm, 3 Team Shirts (Med, Lg, Xlg), 50 Bay Multicharger Case, Wired bar code scanner, OmniSense 4.0
- TEAMSYSTEM-10 includes 10 Echo Modules, Straps: 10 Lg/2 Sm, 3 Team Shirts (Med, Lg, Xlg), Accessory Case, OmniSense 4.0